
Class SuggestionBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SuggestionBuilder<T extends Object>

    A builder that creates a list of suggestions.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SuggestionBuilder

        SuggestionBuilder(JavaPlugin plugin, Command<T> command, CommandSender sender, World world, Server server, String message, Integer depth, List<Object> typedArgs)
    • Method Detail

      • getPlayer

         final Player getPlayer()

        The player who is about to execute the command.

      • getArgs

         final List<String> getArgs()

        Command arguments. The remaining arguments except the beginning of the command are assigned. These are all returned as strings. If you need parsed values, see typedArgs.

        /command <number> args: <number>

        /parent children <arg1><arg2> args: <arg1>, <arg2>

        /command <literal><text><number><entity> args: <literal>, <text>, <number>, <entity>

      • getPlugin

         final JavaPlugin getPlugin()

        Your plugin.

      • getSender

         final CommandSender getSender()

        Executed command sender. (It doesn't matter if you are a player or not.)

      • getWorld

         final World getWorld()

        The world where the command was executed

      • getServer

         final Server getServer()

        The server on which the plugin was run